Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Hole of Romantic Doubt

There is a slight moment in time, when I start to to think,
that all of this could end in a blink.
And even through love divine, my confidence shrinks.
and I start looking through the armor for chinks.
I fall down ever so hard, into that gaping dark hole,
and I freeze from the sheer everlasting cold.
I walk on the glass shards, my feet blacken from coal,
and I realize that it was my confidence I stole.
And then I look to the sky, at the top of the pit,
and you're standing there with your face lit.
I start to cry, on the dirt where I sit,
and then you smile at me and walk away from all of it.
You don't know that I doubt, I never tell you I do.
As far as you know I'm still up there with you.
And I want to shout, or give you some clue,
so that at the very least you knew.
Then I remember your face, and that wonderful glow,
and that's when it seems that I just know,
That I don't have to be in this place, I don't have to be so low,
and then something in my heart just seems to grow.
I leap from below, landing on the surface gracefully,
and you grab my hand so magically.
I know it's no show, because you sigh so deeply,
and I know that Always and Forever, I'm yours completely.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Slender: The Arrival, Part 2 - The Investigation Begins

(PLEASE NOTE: If you need to see an image more clearly, you can click on an image, and it will enlarge it. There should be arrows on the bottom so you can look through all the photos in the post)

Lauren makes it to Kate's house, not a soul to be seen. Upon entering, the sky darkens. You notice... drawings, on the walls inside.

NOTE: My screen brightness was turned up more than it should be. This helps in letting you guys see what I see.

It was dark... very dark. As I walked through the rooms, I squinted to make out shapes in the darkness.
I give this game points... because... chess!
I love when games add little details like this!
I came upon a lit room, the kitchen, and found a flashlight. (Note, the flashlight may/may not be found in the kitchen. It is randomized.)

Now that I had the flashlight, I searched around the rooms, seeing what I could find. I found letters from C.R., and I think letters from me to Kate, trying to help her with her paranoia... in any case, the notes and such I found all led to evidence that poor Kate was starting to freak out. I finally decided to brave the upstairs area. There were some... interesting pictures.

I'm not sure WHAT exactly to make of this one...

I thought this picture was pretty cool... Kate was obviously into Sci-Fi!
I searched around upstairs, finding a locked door. I eventually found the key and opened the door. What I saw was... frightening.

Notice the Transformer Tower drawn above the words... I noticed one on my way to Kate's house.

I collected a piece of scribbled paper off the desk, which was followed by a horrendous scream.

If you're wondering why there's green and purple highlights, it's because I took this snapshot during the hidden glitch level. I'll explain that in a later post.

The scream could only have come from Kate, and my objective had changed. I now had to investigate who and where exactly the scream came from. The piece of paper was my first clue. The broken window being my second. That meant one thing.

It was off to the woods for me.

Oh joy.

Stay tuned for my next episode: Into the Woods!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Slender: The Arrival, Part 1 - Visiting a friend

Slender: The Arrival is rated T for Violence and Blood. Please be aware that images may be very disturbing.

Before the gameplay starts, an intro with eerie images in the background, followed by on-screen text, appears.

There are around ten different moving-images, eventually completing the following statement:

"So often are we guided by our devotion, our love, our affection. A bond that pulls us down paths not bargained. And when you find yourself alone as HE casts out that bedeviling gaze...

How far will it carry you?"

End intro. Begin Prologue.

Your name is Lauren, a twenty-something year old. You decided to take a drive to your friend, Kate's, house. You've been worried about her well-being, and decided to check up on her. Her house is located in a lovely, wooded area, near a park and mountain.

You're almost there when all of a sudden, a tree falls right in front of you. You break just in time, and stop right in front of the tree.

 You continue down the beautifully wooded path by foot. As you travel, the credits appear.

The guys who created Marble Hornets (A Slenderman Vlog) helped make this game!
About 3/4ths of the way, you see a parked car, presumably C.R.s (a friend of Kate's, who has mentioned romantic feelings for her). This means that Kate is not the only one you'll be visiting.

Finally, you make it to Kate's house. By this point, the sky has darkened, and goes almost completely black upon entering the house.

And of course, neither Kate or C.R. are anywhere to be seen.

After playing this first part, I have to say, the designing and artwork for the game are truly amazing. I'm rating the animation as a whole a solid 4.5 stars. I can't rate gameplay quite yet, though I enjoy the first-person view. I also love how this is all a recording, and you get to make it! The sprinting is okay, it makes you tilt side to side, but that's better than the screen being super-shaky. The crouch mechanic as alright, but you pause between every step you take. Not terrible, but it's something I find annoying. Other than that, I'm enjoying it so far!

Continue following the story! Coming up next: The Investigation Begins!

Slender: The Arrival - NEW SERIES!

Hello all! I've decided to start a new series, involving my game-play through Slender: The Arrival! At first, this was going to be on facebook, but because of all the snapshots I took, it would be MUCH easier to put them straight into the post, instead of trying to finagle which picture went with which statement, and all that stuff.

So, be ready for the series coming up!

Also! I have two series I've started, one being a Zombie Apocalypse story, and the other a sci-fy-ish story I've had in my head for YEARS. You can find them at Rabbit Hole Stories, or on Deviant art. (My username is rexfireball) As for the Inspector Kornelson Series, I WILL be getting back to that, and I apologize for not being on top of that.I KNOW GRAMMY, I KNOW, I'M GETTING BACK TO IT, I PROMISE. =)

Hope you enjoy it all!